
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Brain Cancer and Cells

Brain Cancer

What is Brain Cancer?
Brain cancer is a serious medical condition that is often referred to by medical professionals as "Meningioma" and also as "Glioma".This form of cancer may develop from the brain cells that are considered to be primary, but it could develop from cells that are specific to certain locations in and around the brain.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Abnormal pulse and breathing rates
  • headaches
  • difficulty walking or speaking
  • dizziness
  • eyesight problems
  • dramatic changes in blood pressure 
  • changes in personality
  • weakness in the arms and legs
  • nausea


    1.  Radiation Therapy
    Radiation therapy is a common brain cancer treatment that many individuals with tumors elect to participate in after being urged by their doctor. Machines that emit rays that are filled with a high level of energy work to effectively destroy tumor based cells

    This type of treatment incorporates the use of drugs in order to effectively destroy tumor cells. Many medical professionals will use a combination of several drugs, but there are many that will use only one type of medication when issuing chemotherapy.Chemotherapy medications are typically taken by mouth, but there are some instances when a medical professional feels that it is most appropriate to issue drugs by an IV.

    Kidney Cancer Awareness,must watch this video

    Kidney Cancer

    Kidney cancer is a malignant tumour developed from the kidney cells. Malignant kidney tumours account for 2-5% of malignant cancers in adults.Kidney cancer is very dangerous mainly due to the fact that its symptoms occur in a late stage. It can cause the late detection of the tumour change - often in an advanced developing stage. Kidney cancer often develops in a tricky way without causing any disturbing symptoms.

    Signs and Symptoms

    • Blood in the urine
    • Pain
    • Weight loss
    • Fever
    • Loss of appetite.
    • Fatigue
    • A lump or mass in the kidney area
    Types of Kidney Cancer

    • Renal cell carcinomas
    • Papillary carcinoma
    • Renal sarcoma
    • Collecting Duct carcinoma
    • Medullary and Chromophobe carcinomas


      Radical nephrectomy with or without the removal of lymph nodes offers the only cure but treatment of kidney cancer may include: surgery, arterial embolization, radiation therapy, biological therapy or chemotherapy depends upon the stage of the disease and the patient's overall health.
      Nephrectomy or removal of the entire organ including the adrenal gland, adjacent lymph nodes and surrounding normal tissue has been the norm, but recent research shows that removal of just the tumor, produces similar survival rates and offers less chance of subsequent renal failure in selected cases.

      Stomach Cancer

      Stomach Cancer

      Stomach cancer is a disease in which tumors are found in the stomach. If it is not diagnosed quickly, it may spread to other parts of your stomach as well as to other organs.Stomach cancer is common throughout the world and affects all races, it is more common in men than women, and has its peak age range between 40 and 60 years old.
      Types of Stomach Cancer
      The most common types start in the glandular cells of the stomach lining (adenocarcinomas), this is where stomach acid and digestive enzymes are made, and where most cancers start. When the tumor becomes more advanced, it can travel through the bloodstream and spread to organs such as the liver, lungs, and bones.
      Cancers that start in the lymphatic tissue (lymphoma), in the stomach's muscular tissue (sarcoma) or in the tissues that support the organs of the digestive system (gastrointestinal stromal tumors) are less common and are treated in different ways.
      Signs and Symptoms

      Early clues to stomach cancer are chronic dyspepsia and epigastric discomfort, followed in later stages by weight loss, anorexia, a feeling of fullness after eating, anemia and fatigue. Blood in the stools may also be present and if the Cancer is in the Cardia (top) vomiting may occur.

      Although the cancer may be treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy, in many cases surgery is the treatment of choice. Even in patients whose disease is not considered surgically curable, resection offers a palliative effect and improves potential benefits from chemotherapy.
      In some cases of advanced stomach cancer, a laser beam directed through an endoscope can vaporize most of the tumor and relieve obstruction without an operation.


      Lymphoma is not a single disease, it is in fact a group of diseases in which the cells of the immune system become cancerous and begin to divide and multiply in an uncontrolled manner in a lymph node. Initially a single lymph node may be affected however the cancer may quickly spread around the body through the lymphatic system so that other nodes and also other tissues, such as the bone marrow, become affected.

      Types of Lymphoma

      1. Hodgkin's Lymphoma
      Hodgkin's disease is characterized by painless enlargement of one or more lymph nodes, most commonly in the chest, neck and armpits. If the caner has spread from these initial sites then fevers, night sweats, weight loss and bone pain can also occur.

      2. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

       Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, which is the more common disease of the two, may start in exactly the same way however the patient may also develop an enlarged spleen, anemia and general malaise.

      Signs and Symptoms

      One of the most common symptoms among lymphomas is the swelling of lymph nodes, which often occur in the upper body,lack of energy and dramatic weight loss,lower back pain,pain in the lymph nodes after alcohol consumption and skin patches or lesions

      Is lymphoma curable for anybody?

      Thus, the answer is yes and no because it depends on what type of lymphoma one has, what lymphoma stages it may be in, the lymphoma grade, the general health of the patient, response to treatment and of course a dash of luck.


      The blood tissue form of cancer is known as Leukemia and it represents a real life threat as it affects the blood circulation meant to supply the whole body with vital nutriments.
      Blood has access to all vital organs like heart, lungs and brain and when Leukemia occurs, it will rapidly create a dysfunction of all the other organs by supplying them with unhealthy particles. Cancerous cells are quickly carried to all parts of the organism and the dissemination occurs in a very short period of time.
      Leukemia is in fact the consequence of an abnormality occurred in the form and number of leukocytes, the blood white cells.The new leucocytes anatomically and functionally modified and interfere with all functions of the blood even hindering the normal oxygen transport. Modified white blood cells also damage the normal functioning of the red blood cells and lead to the occurrence of anemia.

      Signs and Symptoms
      Abnormal bleeding, weight loss, fatigue, malaise (nonspecific feeling of bodily discomfort), excessive bruising (hematoma), weakness, bone or joint pain, abdominal pain, infections and fever, enlarged spleen lymph nodes and liver, and a reduced tolerance for exercise.

      Two Alternative Treatments For Leukemia

      1.  Nutritional Therapy 
      This is just what it states, re-balancing you system based on nutritional imbalances. Natural treatment through the ages has always healed the body by giving it what it lacks in nutrition. Adhering to the belief that "give the body what it needs and it will do the rest".
      2.  Naturopathic Medicine

      A doctor practicing this type of medicine dips their feet in both traditional and natural treatments. The difference is this practicing doctor digs deeper, they look for the cause which can lead to the cure.

      Prostate Cancer

      Counted amongst one of the most dangerous diseases today, prostate cancer is the cancerous growth consisting of the cells from the prostate gland in males. Most commonly, the tumor grows and remains confined to the gland only for years together.the cancer can also spread to other areas of body and significantly impact the functioning of other important organs including lungs, liver and also bones.
      Signs and Symptoms

      • Incomplete emptying of the bladder
      • dribbling
      • difficulty starting urination
      • reduced force of the stream
      • frequent urination of small amounts
      • pain with urination
      • ejaculation pain
      • blood in the urine or in the semen

      1.  Surgical castration by orchidectomy
      The cheapest and simplest treatment is orchidectomy. The only disadvantage is a psychological effect of the loss of testicles.
      2.  PC can be treated with the help of oestrogen hormone and LHRH-analogues. This is a "medical castration." This treatment is very expensive. Oestrogen can be taken orally but oestrogenrtreatment can give rise to thrombotic complications.
      3.  Hormone therapy can also be used as a cure
      4. The chemical found in black pepper, which causes the tongue to burn, sweat to pour out and eyes to water commonly called as capsaicin is thought to be helpful in prostate cancer cure. US researchers have found that capsaicin can cause human cancer cells to kill themselves.
      5. Radiotherapy can also be used for a cure. Radiotherapy just destroys cancerous cells by radiation. The method is absolutely painless. But treatment of prostate cancer with the help of radiotherapy can cause some side effects like impotence and diarrhea.
      6. Brachytherapy can also be applied to cure prostate cancer. Here radioactive elements inhibit the growth of prostate cancerous cells.

      Throat Cancer

      Throat cancer can develop anywhere in the throat such as the vocal cords or the glottis. The throat is a hollow tube that extends from the rear of the mouth to the esophagus.Throat cancer usually develops in the middle part of the throat, right behind the tongue. This area is called the oropharynx and is part of the pharynx. About 90 percent of throat cancers are squamous cell cancers. Squamous cells, such as skin and mucous membranes, are the surface cells that line the body.
      Signs and Symptoms
      There are other symptoms that may indicate you have throat cancer. Less obvious symptoms of throat, head and neck cancer can include feeling like your headache never goes away, having a hard time taking a deep breath, noticing that your nose bleeds all the time, tooth pain, and unexplained swelling in general throat area.
      Throat Cancer Treatments
      Surgery - The surgery complexity will depend on the severity and extent of damage caused by the throat cancer.
      Radiation - The radiation dose will vary depending on the size of the throat cancer tumor.

      Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy will attack the throat cancer cells and (hopefully) eliminate them. Side effects from chemotherapy are generally extremely unpleasant.

      Head and Neck Cancer

      Head and neck cancer is among one of the rarer forms of cancer, but it does still exist. The symptoms of head and neck cancer are easy to mistake for symptoms of various other ailments. If someone begins to experience any of them, they should immediately contact their doctor and find out whether the symptoms are related to the cancer or to something less serious.
      Head and neck cancer are less deadly than other cancers associated with smoking or drinking alcohol. So there is a possibility the patient may live longer with the support of physical and psychological treatment.
      Head and neck cancer may not be as popular as other types of cancers. But the number of cancer patients is increased associated with virus spread through oral sex.
      Most head and neck cancer cells are squamous, which means they do not travel far from their origin, although they often affect the lymph nodes. In fact, the first indication of head or throat cancer is often an enlarged neck lymph node, which is also sometimes referred to as throat cancer. Another sign could be appearance of white patches or spots in the mouth that will not respond to treatment. Known as leukoplakia, 33% of them become cancerous.

      Monday, 18 April 2011

      Breast Cancer

      What is Breast Cancer?
      Breast cancer is when the cells in a woman's body begin to grow and reproduce out of control, which creates a collection of tissue called a tumor.If the cells that are growing out of control are normal cells, the tumor is not cancerous.Breast cancer originates in the breast tissue. Like other cancers, breast cancer can infect and grow into the tissue surrounding the breast. It can also pass through to other parts of the body and form new tumors.
      Signs and Symptoms

      Lump or thickening in, near the breast, or in the underarm that persists through the menstrual cycle.
      A mass or lump, which may feel as small as a seed.
      A change in the size, shape or contour of the breast.
      A bloodstained or clear fluid discharge from the nipple.
      A change in the feel or appearance of the skin on the breast or nipple (dimpled, puckered, scaly or inflamed).
      Redness of the skin on the breast or nipple.
      An area that is distinctly different from any other area on either breast.
      A marble-like hardened area under the skin.
      The Type of Treatment
      The type of treatment recommended will depend on the size and location of the tumor in the breast, the results of lab tests done on the cancer cells and the stage or extent of the disease. Your doctor usually considers your age and general health as well as your feelings about the treatment options.
      Breast Cancer Treatments
      Local Treatments
      Local treatments are used to remove, destroy or control the cancer cells in a specific area, such as the breast. Surgery and radiation treatment are local treatments.
      2. Systemic Treatments

      Systemic treatments are used to destroy or control cancer cells all over the body. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy such as tamoxifen, and biologic therapies like Herceptin, are systemic treatments. A patient may have just one form of treatment or a combination, depending on her needs.

      What is Lung Cancer?,must watch this video

      Lung Cancer

      What is Lung Cancer?
      Lung cancer may also be the most tragic cancer because in most cases, it might have been prevented, 87% of cases are caused by smoking. Lung cancer has long been the most common cause of cancer death in men and since 1987 it has also become the most common cause of cancer death in women.
      Target of Lung Cancer

      Lung cancers can arise in any part of the lung, and 90%-95% of cancers of the lung are thought to arise from the epithelial, or lining cells of the larger and smaller airways (bronchi and bronchioles.
      Signs and Symptoms
      The disease is often in an advanced stage when first diagnosed. Late stage signs are: with epidermoid and small cell carcinoma; smokers cough, hoarseness, wheezing, dyspnea, hemoptysis and chest pain.

      Firm diagnosis requires chest x rays, sputum cytology, CT scanning, bronchoscopy the examination of pleural fluid and biopsies. Other tests to detect metastasis include bone scans, bone marrow biopsy and CT scans of the brain and abdomen.

      Bone Cancer

      What is Bone Cancer?
      Bone cancer is a general term used when cancer cells are seen in the bone. Cancer that begins in the bone is called primary bone cancer. It is found most often in the arms and legs but it can occur in any bone in the body. Children and young people are more likely than adults to have bone cancers.
      Types of Bone Cancer

      Primary bone cancers are called sarcomas. There are several different types of sarcoma and each type begins in a different kind of bone tissue. The most common sarcomas are osteosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, and chondrosarcoma.In young people, the most common type of bone cancer is osteosarcoma.
      Signs and Symptoms

      The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain. However, symptoms may vary depending on the location and size of the cancer.Sometimes bone cancer interferes with normal movements and can also weaken or cause bones to break.It is important to check with a doctor when you experience these symptoms, but these symptoms can also be caused by other less serious conditions.

      Skin Cancer

      What is Skin Cancer?
      Skin cancer is one of the more prevalent versions and, unfortunately, one most people do not take seriously enough.It is a malignant growth on the skin, typically forming on the epidermis or outer layer of the skin. It is often associated with repeated sun burns or extensive exposure to the sun over time. It is also becoming more common due to increased ultraviolet radiation penetration in the atmosphere.
      Types of Skin Cancer
      Skin cancer typically can be categorized in three ways. Malignant melanoma is the worst and is fatal if not diagnosed and treated early. It is, however, the least prevalent of the categories. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common, has a hereditary element and is rarely fatal. It tends to be isolated and is often treated with surgery or topical chemotherapy. Squamous cell carcinoma is a form of cancer that occurs on both the skin and internal organs. It can be caused by many things including exposure to the sun and can metastasize or spread through the body.
      If you are going to be out in the sun, whether skiing, sitting on a beach, hiking or working, make sure to protect yourself. Using sun screen is a minor task that can prevent big problems.

      Classifications of Cancer

      Cancer is classified in 3 stages.
      1. Carcinomas
      The cancer in the epithelial tissue (covering or lining of tissue) are called carcinomas.

      2. Sarcomas
      The 2nd class of malignant tumors is the sarcomas. They originate in connective tissue such as bone and muscles.

      3. Lymphomas
      The 3rd class of cancer is leukemia and the lymphomas. They are diseases of the blood forming organs and the lymphatic system. They are not tumors and spread in a different way.

      Types of Cancer

      1. Brain Cancer
      2. Bone Cancer
      3. Skin Cancer
      4. Breast Cancer
      5. Endocrine Cancer
      6. Lung Cancer
      7. Head and Neck Cancer
      8. Prostate Cancer
      9. Stomach Cancer
      10. Kidney Cancer
      11. Gynecologic Cancer
      12. Lymphoma
      13. Multiple Myeloma
      14. Soft Tissue Sarcoma
      15. Leukemia

      What is Cancer?

      Cancer is An abnormal growth of cells which tend to proliferate in an uncontrolled way and, in some cases, to metastasize (spread).Cancer is not one disease. It is a group of more than 100 different and distinctive diseases.Cancer can involve any tissue of the body and have many different forms in each body area.All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life.